Back to Work

January 5, 2018


Dear Friends,
On January 10, 2018,  I return to the State House  for the start of my fourth session as  your delegate in Annapolis.  
My freshman term has been a time of  engagement and advocacy, but, also, listening and learning.   Thank you for for being active participants in the legislative process-your letters, calls, visits and testimony at hearings did not go unnoticed and were appreciated. 
At the end of each session, you have welcomed me back to the district, taken the time to tell me what’s on your mind, thanked me for jobs completed and reminded me of  work left undone.  You attended my town halls, met me for coffee and hosted me in your homes, businesses, places of worship and  communities. Through your actions and with your words, you told me what was important to you, encouraged me, shared your insights, knowledge and experience. When we disagreed, we did so without being disagreeable.  
Together we searched for ways to make Maryland a better place and improve the lives and future of its residents; to combat hate and show compassion; to rebuild communities and restore hope; to be generous to those in need, celebrate achievements and support those suffering a grievous loss. 
The 2018 Session promises to be a busy one.  Included among my legislative priorities are a bill to establish concussion protocols for youth sports and a bill to establish a pilot Health Records and Payment Clearinghouse, with the goal of improving health care system efficiencies and  decreased delivery costs.  Also on my agenda are bills protective of the environment  and public health, among others. 
 It has been a honor and privilege to serve as your voice in Annapolis. I hope I have earned your confidence and can count on your support in the upcoming June primary and November general election, when I will seek re-election for a second term.
As a sitting Delegate, I am prohibited from raising campaign contributions during the 90 day legislative session that begins January 10 and ends April 10.  With a June primary, I will have a short time to raise the money needed to wage a winning campaign.  So, I am making a special effort to reach my supporters now.  Would you consider making a contribution before January 10?   All donations are appreciated.  Please click here to donate online. 
To keep up with the legislative session, please follow me on social media and attend our District 12 team town halls.  If you decide to visit Annapolis, I would love to see you.
With gratitude,

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Lowe House Office Building, Room 404, 6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
By Authority of Terri Hill
Arlene L. Harrison, Treasurer
4523 Mustering Drum
Ellicott City, MD 21042
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Terri Hill
Terri Hill9 months ago
Hot topics in consumer protection... (and refreshments!)
Terri Hill
Terri Hill9 months ago
Public Notice for Hearing on Local Bills
Thursday, November 30, 7pm
Click below for details:

Terri Hill
Terri Hill10 months ago
Join Calvin Ball and me on Dec 9th for the Game Changers Expungement Clinic and Community Resource Fair! There will be activities for all ages, spread the word!
Terri Hill
Terri Hill10 months ago
Free rides for Veterans and Active-Duty Military on public transportation in MD on Saturday, Nov. 11, Veterans Day. See details below. It's the least we can do.
Terri Hill
Terri Hill11 months ago
I am greatly saddened by the murder of Maryland Circuit Court Judge Andrew Wilkinson and my thoughts and prayers are with his wife, son, family, friends, and co-workers in this difficult time. I hope the alleged assailant is apprehended quickly before he can do further harm.

There are clearly many layers and policy issues for consideration based on the news reports of the circumstances and motivations. But at this time of such an acute tragedy, the Wilkinson family and community need time and space to grieve. My deepest condolences.
Terri Hill
Terri Hill11 months ago
Today is Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples' Day so we celebrate with our Italian-American communities while also recognizing and honoring our native people and their traditions and cultures. Peace.

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