AboutTerri Hill

AboutTerri Hill

Delegate Hill with her mother and sister

For Maryland District 12A State Delegate Terri Hill, representing the residents of Howard County and the communities in which they live at the state level is a way to apply her unique set of skills and life experience in service, by helping find solutions to the issues that make life challenging for too many. Her primary focus is on the issues that are important to all of us; issues that are important to our future as a state. Quality of life issues like jobs, justice, education, healthcare, a healthy environment, public safety, and opportunity. Maryland is a wonderful state, yet it can do better by more of its residents.

Through her practice and talking to people, she has heard those concerns. As a physician, she is committed to working to diagnosing key issues and finding effective solutions. As an experienced legislator, she appreciates that the obvious solutions are not always the right ones, and reaching the best solution usually require collaboration, cooperation, and time to address legitimate and conflicting stakeholder concerns and assemble the resource to best ensure the sustainability needed for long-term success.

Delegate Hill’s House of Delegates Page

From There to HereBio

Terri came to our community 50 years ago when her family moved to the promising new town of Columbia.  Terri’s parents were strong civil rights advocates who instilled in her the importance of education and opportunity. After attending Howard County’s public schools and graduating from Wilde Lake High School, Terri received a degree in bioelectric engineering from Harvard University – one of only three African American women in her major. She then received her medical degree from the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons.

After her residency, Terri came home to set up her practice and grow her small business. For over 30 years, Terri has treated patients in our community and seen firsthand the barriers to care her patients face.

In 2014, Terri felt a pull to do more. She saw the opportunity to create real and meaningful change, not just as a doctor, but by changing the system itself. So, she ran for office, and since 2014 has served as a Maryland State Delegate for District 12.  Del.  Hill has crafted and fought for legislation that addresses disparities in healthcare, the need for more and better access to mental health treatment and vision care and provides economic opportunities for everyone.

Terri is a delegate who removes barriers.

Beyond healthcare, her legislative successes extend to housing, education, the environment and improving the lives of the underserved. Her successful efforts include legislation to improve access to prescription drugs for patients with chronic illnesses, the creation of programs and funding mechanisms to assist seniors wishing to stay in their homes, access to HIV prevention medication for minors and protecting us from contaminated water.

During the pandemic, she advocated on behalf of constituents having multiple problems, including those seeking unemployment insurance relief to which they were entitled, and for which their former employers had contributed. Other specific pandemic targeted legislation facilitated the expansion of telemedicine, remote notarization, and provided the administration with the emergency dollars and authority, with a degree of legislative oversight through regular hearings, to address the evolving emergency. She advocated for small business assistance and relief and for rental assistance, and housing stability through the pandemic. She lobbied our federal partners for needed financial relief for our local jurisdictions. The pandemic laid bare many of the decades-old holes in our societal safety net, some of which she has worked to address in the recent legislative session, and many of which require solutions that can’t be rolled out in 1 year.

Terri has stood with her colleagues in passing legislation to address systemic problems and progressive priorities, like criminal justice reform, paid family leave and protecting a women’s right to control her reproductive health.

Terri’s special brand of servant-leadership has garnered her recognition from such eclectic groups as the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Towson University, Associated Black Charities, and her beloved Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. In 2020, she was inducted into Howard County’s Women’s Hall of Fame.

Ensuring that every person has access to opportunity, safe housing, economic security, strong schools, a healthy environment, and good, affordable healthcare – these are the things Terri has been working for and these are the things central to her vision for the people of District 12.  She would be honored to continue representing the interests of, and giving back to, the community which has given so much to her.


Honors and Awards

Women’s Hall of Fame, Howard County, 2020; Inducted, Honorary Member, Omega Beta Iota, Osteopathic Political Honor Society, 2019; Health Promotion Achievement Award, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., North Atlantic Region, 2017; Legislator of the Year, Medical and Chirurgical Society of Maryland (MedChi), 2017; Legislator of the Year, Maryland Association of Eye Physicians, 2016; Women on the Move Award, Small Business, Associated Black Charities, Baltimore, MD, 2015; Women in Medicine Award, Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Baltimore Chapter, 2015; Mother Mary Lange Leadership Award, Archdiocese of Baltimore, 2012; Community Service Award, Columbia, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Columbia, MD, 2009; Outstanding Professional Achievement Spirit Award, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Columbia, MD Chapter, 2004; Tribute to Excellence Award, Baltimore Black Women’s Leadership Conference, 2003; Distinguished Black Marylander, Towson University, Towson, MD, 2001; Baltimore AFRAM Salute: “Hope for Tomorrow”, 1992; Aura E. Severinghaus Scholar, National Medical Fellowships, Inc. (Outstanding Academic Achievement, Leadership, and Community Service), 1985; Class Marshall, Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges; Dean’s List, Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges

More About Delegate Hill's Committee Assignments, Public Service and Memberships:

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Lowe House Office Building, Room 404, 6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
By Authority of Terri Hill
Arlene L. Harrison, Treasurer
4523 Mustering Drum
Ellicott City, MD 21042
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Terri Hill

Page is by the Authority of Friends of Terri Hill, 4523 Mustering Drum, Ellicott City, MD.
Terri Hill

Terri Hill2 weeks ago

It was a thrill yesterday to see such a talented group of student musicians from the Peabody Conservatory‼️What a performance. It was great to meet so many people from the community supporting our young artists. It was the 35th annual concert, sponsored by the Columbia Chapter of Links Incorporated and many of the 300 people in attendance hadn’t missed a year. It was that wonderful. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Congresswoman Sarah Elfreth

Terri Hill

Terri Hill2 weeks ago

The silencing efforts continue – Joy Reid MSNBC show, The ReidOut, is cancelled. It’s not the ratings, as they would claim.

Last show tomorrow (2/24/25) at 7-8pm.

Call to Action:
-Tune in on all devices at 7pm, turn off at 8, post your participation and use hashtags below.
-Call MSNBC to note disagreement with decision (212) 664-4444, press 1, then 2 and leave nessage.
-Follow her on social med to elevate and facilitate her landing new platform (see graphic).
#weneedJOY #WinWithBlackWomen #joyreidisblackexcellence

Terri Hill

Terri Hill2 months ago

What are we doing FOR others? Dr. King gave us a charge and a responsibility to care for one another. This simple word “for,” carries a sense of shared humanity and responsibility that was at the heart of his ministry. He did not ask “what are you doing TO others?” Life’s mission should not be to use others to elevate oneself but to help others and thereby help us all.

Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Terri Hill

Terri Hill2 months ago

The remembrances of of Jimmy Carter’s life and legacy in the final days of 2024 remind us who we as a people can aspire to be. Despite the distractions, I choose to believe we have not lost the opportunity to do and be better. May 2025 restore our spirit of generosity and appreciation for honesty and integrity, selflessness and humility with a commitment to continuing the work of building up humanity and resistance to those who would do otherwise. Happy New Year!

Enjoy the Vocal Arts of Fairfax singing in the new year with Auld Lang Syne (roughly translated as “for the sake of old times” – fitting indeed).

Terri Hill

Terri Hill

Terri Hill2 months ago

Habari Gani! May the unity cup be ever full and your Kwanzaa be blessed with hope, peace and abundance. #Kwanzaa

Terri Hill

Terri Hill2 months ago


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