It’s Time for New and Different Ideas

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Aliquam eget efficitur ipsum

Amolestie urna. Praesent blandit, augue sed posuere pretium, nisi turpis molestie ipsum, at imperdiet dolor felis ut est. Donec auctor ultricies accumsan. Etiam posuere erat at libero sollicitudin mattis. Pellentesque rhoncus massa odio, ut hendrerit turpis convallis a. Nulla facilisi. Mauris massa magna, facilisis nec mattis at, dapibus nec metus. Etiam eget auctor lorem. Pellentesque et eros vel lectus posuere consequat id eget magna. Curabitur et aliquam nulla, at tempus tellus. Curabitur sodales est quis diam pretium imperdiet. Cras at lacus tincidunt, suscipit ligula id, mattis ex. Morbi placerat vulputate vulputate. Donec molestie, enim sed imperdiet lacinia, diam eros dictum ante, rutrum accumsan ante sapien quis arcu.

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Lowe House Office Building, Room 404, 6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
By Authority of Terri Hill

Arlene L. Harrison, Treasurer

4523 Mustering Drum

Ellicott City, MD 21042
Follow Terri on Facebook

Terri Hill

Page is by the Authority of Friends of Terri Hill, 4523 Mustering Drum, Ellicott City, MD.
Terri Hill

Terri Hill2 weeks ago

It was a thrill yesterday to see such a talented group of student musicians from the Peabody Conservatory‼️What a performance. It was great to meet so many people from the community supporting our young artists. It was the 35th annual concert, sponsored by the Columbia Chapter of Links Incorporated and many of the 300 people in attendance hadn’t missed a year. It was that wonderful. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Congresswoman Sarah Elfreth

Terri Hill

Terri Hill2 weeks ago

The silencing efforts continue – Joy Reid MSNBC show, The ReidOut, is cancelled. It’s not the ratings, as they would claim.

Last show tomorrow (2/24/25) at 7-8pm.

Call to Action:
-Tune in on all devices at 7pm, turn off at 8, post your participation and use hashtags below.
-Call MSNBC to note disagreement with decision (212) 664-4444, press 1, then 2 and leave nessage.
-Follow her on social med to elevate and facilitate her landing new platform (see graphic).
#weneedJOY #WinWithBlackWomen #joyreidisblackexcellence

Terri Hill

Terri Hill2 months ago

What are we doing FOR others? Dr. King gave us a charge and a responsibility to care for one another. This simple word “for,” carries a sense of shared humanity and responsibility that was at the heart of his ministry. He did not ask “what are you doing TO others?” Life’s mission should not be to use others to elevate oneself but to help others and thereby help us all.

Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Terri Hill

Terri Hill2 months ago

The remembrances of of Jimmy Carter’s life and legacy in the final days of 2024 remind us who we as a people can aspire to be. Despite the distractions, I choose to believe we have not lost the opportunity to do and be better. May 2025 restore our spirit of generosity and appreciation for honesty and integrity, selflessness and humility with a commitment to continuing the work of building up humanity and resistance to those who would do otherwise. Happy New Year!

Enjoy the Vocal Arts of Fairfax singing in the new year with Auld Lang Syne (roughly translated as “for the sake of old times” – fitting indeed).

Terri Hill

Terri Hill

Terri Hill2 months ago

Habari Gani! May the unity cup be ever full and your Kwanzaa be blessed with hope, peace and abundance. #Kwanzaa

Terri Hill

Terri Hill2 months ago

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